Small talk

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The Wheels Are Turning

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It has been a challenging time but as a business we are in a great place and are “up and at it” (the team in the office laugh at my terrible phrases). As I write this blog post the kitchen smells of chargrilling lamb koftas not a bad way to start the day and that is because today represents our first post lockdown event and not only that, our second event comes tomorrow. Since we told you about those three social distant approved event concepts I have in all honesty been surprised at the interest and confirmed events. We were quite sure we wouldn’t be doing a great deal through this summer but I am very optimistic that while on a smaller scale we will indeed be “up and at it”.


So, you might be thinking how can we be doing that. We have been working hard with the events industry influencers to understand what can and can’t do – take a look at some of our event concepts. Alongside the recent news from the Prime Minister this means that things (fingers crossed) are going to keep improving, allowing us to get back to bigger events as time goes on.


What can you expect of us over the coming months. We are set to release our menu concepts for 2021 which we have been working hard on and are really excited about (we are going big on live food/cocktail experiences). We are also going to learn lots about delivering events while social distancing and we have some plans to expand our ideas/concepts as time goes on.


Lastly, a thank you from me. I have had countless calls, emails, messages from friends of the business and clients wishing us well in what has been a challenging time. It has been wonderful to read your kind words and we are really excited about what is to come, in a time when lots of companies are consolidating – we are in a good place and are looking forward to delivering our growth plans.


Looking forward to seeing you soon,




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Key trends – Food and drink

Party vibes

As I sit here staring out of the window at the garden. I can’t help but imagine what it would look like filled with people I care about and oceans of delicious food and drink. Showing your friends how much you care for them can be achieved in various ways however, I can’t think of a better way than to provide them with the opportunity to enjoy a comfy seat in a chilled environment and supply them with lots of goodies. We have talked previously of key trends to consider when planning an event. All are still very much relevant and so you can read that blog here.  But what do you need to know when it comes to food and drink?  We’re already a third of the way through 2019 – here’s what’s proving to be hot this year.

All things food

Food as theatre
Think fire pits and marshmallows or toasted sandwiches dripping with oozing cheese from your own ‘cheesecake’. Popping corn freshly popped and flavoured on site or candy floss whirled on demand with flourish. Theatre of food is where it’s at.

Food as art
Edible displays are a thing of beauty and astonishment. We recently created a savoury edible allotment for an autumn themed installation. It was a treat to watch the first guests, keen to experiment, take a carrot and use it to scoop up the soil. A real talking point and the guests loved it.

Food as self service
Food stations, as well as creating theatre, also allow for an interaction between your guests and the chef. This takes the concept of everyone hanging around the barbie and turns it on its head with flourish. It also enables easily customised food to incorporate personal likes (or dislikes). We’ve successfully incorporated lots of different food stations into events. From Sushi to Eton mess, they have always proved to be popular.

Food as an ice breaker
Grazing tables are a splendid way of introducing the ‘wow’ factor and getting your guests interacting quickly. Nothing says stylish more than beautiful food and a decorated table. Themes can easily be incorporated such as the Autumn inspired canape grazing table we created for a recent corporate event.

Food as meat free
Veganism is popular to the extent it can now be considered mainstream. It offers a great opportunity for people to experiment with concepts, textures and flavours they normally wouldn’t consider. Delicious and a great talking point.

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All things drink

Drinks as a personal statement
Think signature cocktails, bespoke and personal to you. We’re seeing these increasingly often at weddings. Our mixologist loves taking your ideas and turning them into something delicious.
Drink as non-alcoholic
At a recent wedding I attended as a guest, I was touched to receive a basket full of various speciality teas. The venue was close to Cardigan Bay in South Wales and most accommodation there ‘glamping’ tents. It was the perfect gift, on trend and cemented in the nations obsession with tea. On a theme, we have seen vintage tea trolleys with speciality blends and hot chocolate late into the evening. If alcohol is not your thing (or for youngsters) bespoke non-alcoholic cocktails and bells jars filled with various flavours of cordial also work well.
Drink as an environmental statement
Single use plastics are a big no no these days. Especially since glassware can be hired in relatively cheaply. It’s also worth considering the environmental cost of the miles your tipple has travelled. Local and sustainable sourcing and working with ethical producers is now top of many peoples priorities. On a recent trip to the Bombay Sapphire distillery at Laverstoke Mill were we astonished to learn of huge list of sustainable considerations introduced by the company. It invoked warmth in our hearts (or maybe that that the gin).
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A Galician Christmas

Southern Spain

Over the years, many of the Four Gables team have been lucky enough to visit mainland Spain. Popular destinations include Barcelona, the capital city of Catalonia and Seville, the capital city of Andalusia. Both cities are known for amazing architecture and history. Seville has three UNESCO world heritage sites within the old town while the Barcelona skyline is synonymous with the imaginative, modernistic and controversial works of Antoni Gaudi (fruit instead of gargoyles anyone?). But really, the draw of these iconic cities is the food.
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Northern Spain

I first visited Barcelona in 2008 to run the marathon. I’d heard wonders about the architecture of the city but the overriding memory of that first trip was not the run or the urban beauty of the city, rather the extensive tapas culture.  It was my first time enjoying such, (the North East of England – although renown for its seafood was definitely not know for its, ahem, culture.  More likely, a polystyrene tray with pickled whelks and a pin to hook them out with). So for me, the Spanish tapas menu dripped with indulgence.  Luscious stuffed peppers and tomatoes. Charcuterie boards full of rich Serrano ham, opulent salamis and creamy hard Manchego served with a sharp quince jelly.  Fish stews abundant with seafood and potatoes in a tomato sauce. I still dream about them today. So it was with great joy that I recently stumbled over the website of Culinary Backstreets.  A website headlining the best of world urban cuisine.  The latest article by Paula Mourenza featured Christmas in Galacia. You can read the whole article here. We loved it and hope that you will too.
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Merry Christmas

We’ve had a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with many of you in 2018, assisting with your various personal and professional events. Working in collaboration with lots of talented and inspirational businesses, we’ve enjoyed many culinary challenges. It’s been a pleasure and we’ve won a few awards on the way, a super pat on the back for us as a team. The Four Gables business heading into 2019 looks very different to that which started in 2012. Provenance, innovation and excellence are still key values inherent to the business as are you, the customer.

So, what’s new for 2019?  Creativity is what we are good at and we want to keep making sure we are bringing new ideas to the table. We specialise in food, drinks & service and think we’re pretty good at delivering them.  Next year, we look forward to working even harder to improve individually as professionals and collectively as a business.

We have just launched our new menus and cocktails brochure ‘Seasoned‘ – we are hugely excited about them (the tasting day was as challenge!)  With an eye on the large events and contracts, we look forward to having a great time in 2019.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and may we wish all your dreams for the coming year come true.

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Welcome to the Weekend

Day to day the Four Gables office is a place of calm.  Industrious, yes but definitely with added dollop of peace. To be fair, the location helps.  We’re ‘planted’ (sorry!) at the edge of Ashtead Common, an ancient forest with a rich history.  It’s only half a mile from the M25 and the hustle and bustle of the Surrey commuter belt which offers the perfect juxtaposition to the Four Gables Farm.  It really is in the middle of nowhere.  The view from the window is unceasing woodland and often accompanied by the symphony of bird song with solo percussion performances from the Woodpecker tapping away.

Last Friday however was a different story.  The resident chefs had been called back to HQ to prepare for a full weekend of events.  The office was filled with hustle and bustle, the energy palpable.  Typewritten sheets were strewn across the softwood table, the contents hinting at deliciousness… Serrano ham croquettes; Californian sushi baskets; Orange and saffron creme brûlée; Gin cocktails; a cornucopia of promise.

The chefs were preparing the feast in the kitchen next door.  Instead of birdsong, the sound of chopping and sizzling was our audio companion.  The smells too.  Oh my, they were pavlovian hunger pang inducing.  In the same way listening to running water makes you NEED to use to the loo and I couldn’t help smiling at the banter and jinks of those who were clearly enjoying their job.

The focus of the Four Gables team is customer service, innovation and enjoyment.  There were two events generating the industry in the kitchen.  A ‘special’ birthday party taking place in the beautiful Bombay Sapphire distillery in Hampshire and ‘speech day’ for 160 at Wellington College in Berkshire.  It’s not unusual for us to cater for such different events in counties all over the South East.  In fact, we thrive on the challenge of not only producing delicious and inventive food, but also finding innovative solutions to the logistics of serving it to large numbers if required.  It’s like a ‘Masterchef’ challenge on steroids.

Fortunately for all concerned, the forecast thunderstorms stayed away and everyone had a really good time.  And the food?  It was delicious!

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Wedding Season

May is rapidly becoming the Royal wedding month of the year. If you have a wedding in the offing, then you can’t help but be swept up in the mood of the nation at the moment.

Weddings have never been more fashionable and summer in the UK, understandably, is a peak time for nuptials. There can be few girls who did not parade around the bedroom with a pillow case adorning their head. My best friend and I used to fantasize endlessly about where our wedding would take place.  Cue old stone country Church with a kissing gate) and look like (romantic, white, flowers everywhere and lots of friends!).

Here at Four Gables, we love that weddings are a beautiful opportunity to share your special day with friends and  family.  We also love that food is a conduit to that celebration. These days, the traditional church or registry office choices of our youth have expanded to include so many beautiful alternative venues. The Hyde Estate, for example, is featured in the header of this post. With that, there are now so many the opportunities to serve delicious and different foods to reflect the venue and style of your wedding.

Four Gables know that organising a wedding can be stressful and time consuming. With our emphasis on customer service, we can help to take some of that stress away. We can help plan your menu and recreate any dish that you dreamed of. We can talk bowl food and soul food and whether to stand up or sit down. Or maybe help recreate your favourite cocktail or create one especially for you. Most importantly, we can give you the time to enjoy your special day with those you love the most.

To find out more about what we can offer, see our ‘Events’ page here.

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Newsletter – Gin, Awards & More

We don’t think we have been very good at keeping in touch with everyone. We thought it was about time that we got a bit better at saying what we have been up and what is new. Click the picture below to check out our latest newsletter…


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Thank You and Merry Christmas

All of us at Four Gables wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas in our own special way.  The result was *ahem* interesting.  We might not be vocally blessed but don’t worry – we’re not planning to leave our day jobs any time soon.

2018 has been a fulfilling and eventful year for us all.  We have loved the opportunity to work with old friends and forge new relationships and to all of you who have contributed to our year here, a huge and heartfelt ‘Thank you’.


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How to distill – Bombay Sapphire

Check this out, our pals at Bombay Sapphire just released this video talking about how they distill their gin and which botanicals are used in the recipe!


* video credit – Bombay Sapphire Distillery